Zelos Tech Achieve First Place!

Achieve first place! Zelos tech Z5 Intelligent City Vehicle won the "Best Function Award" in the first Intelligent Automotive Application Scenario Challenge.


On September 4, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 2023 China International Intelligent Industry Expo (hereinafter referred to as "Intelligent Expo"), which triggered a warm response from all walks of life, saying that President Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter demonstrates the role of a responsible big country, and points out the direction of high-quality development of the global big data and intelligentization. garbage bin

As an important content link of 2023 Wisdom Expo, the Intelligent Vehicle Application Scenario Challenge and Yongchuan District Intelligent Networked Vehicle Industry Investment and Signing Activity also came to a successful conclusion recently. During this period, Jiusi Intelligence and Yongchuan District signed the investment and cooperation agreement of Jiusi Intelligence Southwest Base Project, and won the "Best Function Award" of the City Function Race in the Intelligent Vehicle Application Scenario Challenge with the self-developed L4-level intelligent city allocation vehicle with nearly perfect performance.

With the theme of "Intelligent Future - Intelligent Life", the Smart Vehicle Application Scenario Challenge set up two sub-races, namely, the Urban Function Race and the High Speed Passing Race. Among them, the Urban Function Race participated by Zelos techadopted the world's first non-road closure method, with a 15-kilometer-long track. During the race, the participating vehicles were mixed with the free traffic flow, which comprehensively tested the vehicles' ability to cope with the random incidental events. At the same time, the Challenge also innovated the competition regulations, according to the type of vehicle use, classification of vehicle perception, algorithms, decision-making, control, safety and other assessment and evaluation indexes, comprehensive consideration of the participating vehicles in the game of traffic flow, vehicle attitude control, emergency event recognition and response performance.


Chongqing is known as "China's mountain city", most of the roads are built on the mountains, winding and undulating, intricate and complex, affected by the terrain, the local ramps, machine and non-mixed roads can be found everywhere, bringing great challenges to the transportation in the city. Based on the leading L4-level automatic driving software and hardware capability of Jiusi Intelligence, Jiusi Intelligent City Distribution Vehicle has become the only series of products with the ability to flexibly switch automatic driving modes on different urban roads - the vehicle is able to freely choose the driving mode of motorized or non-motorized lanes according to the local government's traffic regulatory requirements, realizing the product's driving mode in the urban public roads and the traffic management system. Driving mode, realize the product in the city open road all lanes, all-weather high stability, high efficiency operation.

During the competition, Jiusi intelligent vehicles successfully completed various test tasks such as right turn on T-type road, left turn at T-type intersection without traffic light, straight ahead and left turn at traffic light (involving lane change), straight ahead at unsignalized intersection, driving on limited-width routes, going up and down slopes, driving in the park, and stopping at a fixed point on the free-mixed open road, demonstrating the highly stable and reliable L4 automatic driving ability, and stood out from the competing teams with nearly perfect scores, which was highly recognized by the experts in the industry and the judging panel, and won the "Urban Function Competition Best Function Prize"!

This competition is the first public appearance of Jiusi intelligent city allocation vehicle in Yongchuan District, Chongqing, and the high level performance of the vehicle in the event has won the admiration and recognition of the local people! In recent years, Yongchuan, Chongqing, has been at the forefront of building a new type of intelligent transportation and laying out the intelligent networked automobile industry, which provides a high-quality policy and resource environment for the development and landing of the intelligent driving industry.

In order to further promote the landing process of Zelos tech City Distribution Vehicle in the southwest region, and drive the comprehensive upgrade of the intelligent vehicle manufacturing industry chain, during the event, the People's Government of Yongchuan District, Chongqing Municipality and Zelos tech (Suzhou) Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. signed a project investment agreement, and Zelos tech will invest in the construction of Zelos tech  Southwest Base in Yongchuan, Chongqing, and stage by stage, build the operation center of Chongqing of the self-driving city logistics network, and build the self-driving city logistics vehicle production base.

In the future, Zelos tech will take Yongchuan, Chongqing, as the origin, and gradually build an autonomous driving freight network covering the southwest region, empowering a new generation of urban mobility space with L4-level technology and realizing a comprehensive upgrade of the city's intelligent base.