Zelos Tech Helps Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Protection Zone Upgrade

On October 18th, the first national application project of intelligent networked unmanned vehicles in comprehensive bonded zone under the whole scenario of customs clearance and acceptance - Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Bonded Zone Intelligent Networked Unmanned Vehicle Customs Clearance and Acceptance Project was formally launched by Zelos tech and the "2023 SIP Comprehensive Bonded Zone Intelligent Unmanned Vehicle First Single Ceremony" was held outside of the main customs kiosk of SIP Comprehensive Bonded Zone, and the nation's first single unmanned vehicle-carrying goods in a specially supervised area of the Customs was successfully completed.


With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, big data, 5G communication, car networking and other technologies, the automotive industry ushered in a period of change. Industry in order to actively promote the pilot demonstration of intelligent networked unmanned vehicles in special customs supervision areas, led by Suzhou Industrial Park Customs, under the guidance of Nanjing Customs Science and Technology Department and the local government, Zelos tech participated in the creation of intelligent networked unmanned vehicles customs clearance and inspection project in Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Bonded Zone. After the client initiates the order, nine sense intelligent car can intelligently complete a series of processes such as empty car identification, research and judgment, issuing orders, card, loading and unloading, etc., which can realize the short-distance goods distribution of import and export enterprises in the comprehensive bonded zone of Suzhou Industrial Park intelligent and rapid customs clearance and inspection and release.

Zelos tech for the Customs Special Supervision Area for a number of practical application scenarios, for the Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Free Trade Zone tailored to design and build a customized intelligent unmanned vehicle products, the entire vehicle can be accessed to the park's public intelligent service system "Zhitong Cloud", according to the specified cargo transportation needs, autonomous delivery of goods to the Customs designated bayonet and automated application for the bayonet Release. In addition, Zelos tech has also added in-vehicle inspection and out-vehicle inspection equipment and functions for the intelligent unmanned vehicle, and connected the monitoring video stream to the customs intelligent supervision system, which helps the customs to realize efficient customs clearance, inspection and release and orderly supervision in the comprehensive protection zone, and helps more enterprises in the park to reduce the comprehensive logistics cost.

At present, Zelos tech has realized large-scale operation on the open road in Suzhou, Wuxi, Chongqing and other cities, providing low-cost, high-efficiency B2B urban freight products and services for express express, supermarket retail, brand logistics, community group purchasing and other multi-application scenarios.As a leading enterprise in the field of self-driving urban distribution products, Zelos tech has always been committed to promoting intelligent unmanned vehicle products in more industries and scenarios to realize the landing application. The person in charge of the project said: "Zelos tech is honored to participate in the project with Suzhou Weizhong Logistics Co. Through the innovation and research and development strength of Zelos tech in intelligent unmanned vehicles, it will help Suzhou Industrial Park to realize orderly supervision and customs clearance efficiency, and help more enterprises in the park to reduce the cost of the comprehensive process. At the same time, in the actual application process of many scenes in the customs special supervision area, Zelos tech will also be able to accumulate valuable operational experience, and constantly upgrade its own product technology and services, to create a more convenient and intelligent self-driving city distribution products."

The Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, an enterprise in the actual project deduction, the use of intelligent unmanned vehicles to replace the traditional vehicle transportation efficiency will be increased by more than 50%, can reduce the logistics cost of 458,000 yuan / year. In the future, Zelos tech will summarize its experience in the continuous operation of the intelligent networked unmanned vehicle customs clearance project, and help the Suzhou Industrial Park Comprehensive Free Trade Zone build the project into a new business model that can be replicated and promoted nationwide, contributing the strength of scientific and technological enterprises to the construction of "Intelligent Customs and Strengthening of the Country" and Intelligent Customs.