Zelos Tech Intelligence to help people's livelihoods, the country's first unmanned distribution project in the system of supply and marketing societies landing

On January 23rd, the first batch of L4 level unmanned delivery vehicles in Fujian with the theme of "coastal modern city, intelligent people's livelihood first", the ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in Xiangcheng District, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province. Xiangcheng District Business Bureau, Supply and Marketing Bureau, Fujian Sell Good Vegetables Supply Chain Co., Ltd, Zelos Tech Intelligence leaders and business representatives attended the ceremony to witness the landing of the first unmanned vehicle delivery project in the national supply and marketing society system jointly created by Zelos Tech Intelligence and Fujian Sell Good Vegetables Supply Chain Co.


Fujian sell good vegetables supply chain limited company as Zhangzhou City, Xiangcheng District, supply and marketing mixed enterprises, shoulder to open the local county, township, village three-level logistics system of the important task. As the first unmanned vehicle product application landing case in the national supply and marketing system, Fujian Zelos Tech Supply Chain Co., Ltd. took the lead in investing in a number of Zelos Tech intelligent vehicles, to complete the normalized distribution of daily necessities covering the main urban areas and townships and villages three-level service group points in Zhangzhou, to provide efficient protection for the local production of daily necessities downstream, agricultural and sideline products upstream, and to fully utilize the advantages of the product technology, to assist the supply and marketing system of smooth flow of materials, Efficient operation of the supply and marketing system, benefiting people's livelihood and peace of mind.


Rural logistics as an important link between urban and rural production and consumption, high-quality rural logistics is an important part of the modern circulation system, to meet the needs of rural people's production and life, to release the potential of rural consumption, and to promote the revitalization of the countryside is of great significance. Dai Tuli, director of the Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives of Xiangcheng District, said in his speech: "Putting Zelos Tech intelligent vehicles into the construction of logistics nodes in Xiangcheng County, townships and villages to give full play to the advantages of artificial intelligence products can effectively open up the "last kilometer" for industrial products going to the countryside and "the first kilometer" for agricultural products going out of the villages and into the city for Xiangcheng City," and "the first kilometer" for agricultural products going out of the villages and into the city. "The first kilometer" to bring tangible benefits!"

Through the use of Zelos Tech intelligent car, it will greatly meet the local demand in urban and rural distribution and urban express transportation, realize the reduction of nearly 50% of the logistics cost and 80% of the management cost, and build a highly efficient intelligent logistics network for the county's economic development and people's livelihood services, and also create a highly efficient and intelligent benchmark model project in the system of the National Supply and Marketing Cooperative!


"Food basket", "rice bag" behind these major events related to people's livelihood, are inseparable from the supply and marketing society system to ensure the supply of the "whole chain" operation, logistics and distribution as a supply and marketing system, "wing" linking the key links between supply and marketing. Logistics and distribution, as the supply and marketing system's "wing", connects the key links of supply and marketing. In the future, Zelos Tech intelligent vehicles will continue to give full play to the advantages of the product, in more cities, with green, intelligent, efficient products and capacity services, to protect people's livelihood to write a new chapter of intelligent supply and marketing!