"Southern small potatoes" Shenyang spread love, Zelos Tech intelligent car ice and snow normalized operation lasted 150 days, escorting the northeast people's livelihoods

Recently, in order to thank the northeastern people for the care of the "southern small potatoes", Zelos Tech also brought a large number of specialties from the "hometown" of Suzhou, to the northeastern people to send warmth back to the gift!


In the Shenyang Imperial Palace scenic area, by Zelos Tech Z5 intelligent car loaded with a car full of Jiangnan specialties, handicrafts attracted everyone's attention, many visitors have taken out their cell phones and Zelos Tech Z5 photo.


In the scenic area working in the greening workers Cheng Auntie while tasting the Jiangnan characteristics of food, while expressing interest in the Zelos Tech intelligent car and love, I heard that Zelos Tech Z5 has landed in many cities in the northeast of the service, she said: the northeast of the labor shortage, especially in the winter under the cold weather out of the door is difficult, but with Zelos Tech intelligent car such a high-tech products, the Northeast, "old iron"! But with high-tech products like Jiuzhi intelligent car, the northeast "old iron" can also enjoy a more convenient life!


Another round of cold wave to the south, many areas of the country is ushering in snow days. As the year draws to a close, the pressure of logistics, labor pressure has become greater, especially this year, with the continued popularity of tourism in the north, the local service industry has also assumed greater pressure, and express industry practitioners as the city freight "guardian", still silently maintaining the people and the city, the circulation of goods between the ties.

Extremely cold winter, for the northeastern village outlets "full duty" delivery

In Fuxin, Liaoning Province, a local Yuantong network through the Zelos Tech Z5 intelligent vehicle to complete nearly 60KM/trip every day the delivery task of the three stations, the three stations are in the extremely remote villages and towns, the winter season, every day in minus more than 20 degrees Celsius of ice and snow in the wilderness through the delivery, the delivery staff of the body to bring great challenges.


In 2023, the network purchased Zelos Tech Z5 intelligent car, sending and receiving personnel only need to complete the action of loading and unloading, which not only ensures the delivery and receipt of express delivery efficiency, but also eases the network winter "through the sea of forests, over the snow plains, difficult to employ" problem. Since the purchase of the car, this winter, Zelos Tech Z5 to "full attendance" excellent results for the network to make a contribution!

Focus on the past, snow, freezing and other special weather will often have a certain impact on the vehicle's environmental perception, planning accuracy and stability, and at the same time in the continued low-temperature environment, the vehicle's hardware and software system response will also be weakened. In this regard, in order to adapt to the special extreme cold climate in winter in the northern region, Zelos Tech team has also completed the performance test and optimization upgrade for all operating vehicles in terms of charging and discharging, braking performance, perception, positioning, PNC and other software and hardware, and invested in snow tires, anti-skid chains and other equipment for vehicles operating in snow and ice to ensure that the product is safe to operate in special environments!


As the world's leading city distribution automatic driving product research and development and application enterprise, Zelos Tech intelligent vehicle has been commercialized in nearly 50 cities and regions around the world to realize the landing operation. As of the end of January 2024, Zelos Tech Z5 has experienced a minimum of -27 degrees Celsius, snow and freezing weather continued to operate nearly 150 days of test, in the northeast of Jilin, Liaoning and other places, the northwest of Xi'an, Yulin, Yinchuan and other northern cold cities to provide customers with uninterrupted normalized operation, Z5 intelligent vehicle has become a minority of the industry to achieve the "snow" non-stop unmanned distribution of mature products, to ensure that the "snow and ice" is not stopped, and to ensure that the "snow and ice" is not stopped. Zelos Tech intelligent car has become one of the few in the industry that can realize the "ice and snow" non-stop regular unmanned distribution of mature products, in order to protect the customer experience, Zelos Tech intelligent also built up a perfect after-sales and operational security system covering the northern region, so that more express delivery practitioners through the scientific and technological products to effectively realize the operation of the burden reduction.


Express logistics is the invisible artery to maintain the operation of the city, connecting the daily life of thousands of households. This winter, "southern small potato" Zelos Tech intelligent car in the northeast of the extreme cold challenge, with high quality, high stability of product performance, effectively solve the local winter logistics transit problems, for the northeast people's livelihood protection to make outstanding contributions. In the future, Zelos Tech will continue to give full play to its own advantages, optimize the logistics ecology for more cities in more scenarios, and realize the green and intelligent development and enhancement of the city base.