"Express Spring Festival" labor shortage? Not afraid! Zelos Tech intelligent car for ten thousand families "New Year's flavor" escort

With less than a month to go before the Lunar New Year, people all over the country are starting to get busy, shopping for new year's goods for the whole family.

In recent years, the online "Lunar New Year Festival" has gradually become the main battleground for people's procurement of New Year's goods, through the major e-commerce platforms, from the landmark products to the world's top goods, from fresh fruits to digital home appliances, everything from the one-stop shopping is continuing to attract consumers to place orders online.

During the busy Spring Festival, there are more and more e-commerce platforms, express delivery companies announced that during the Spring Festival logistics and distribution "do not close". Courier services can "not close", but express practitioners are difficult to "year-round", the lively New Year's Eve for the express industry is a race against the clock "high pressure"! Challenge.


In Lu'an City, Anhui Province, the local Rhythms Express outlets under the jurisdiction of Zhang Chungang covering more than 300 stations throughout the region, tens of thousands of votes every day by the courier issued here, sent into the thousands of households in Lu'an.

But in the face of the Express Spring Festival mark, even if it is able to take charge of a side of the express Qiankun Zhang Chun Gang, can only be used to "stay up" to describe the annual dilemma: "Express Spring Festival" period, the amount of express delivery is usually 1.2-1.5 times, but from October to the next year! April period, the weather turned cold, many cities express practitioners because of the intensity of work or physical reasons, the initiative to leave the rate reached a peak, Zhang Chungang said: the more the annual peak express capacity, the more difficult to recruit, which is a common problem faced by third and fourth tier cities express outlets.

In order to crack the predicament staged every year, 2023 Zhang Chun Gang began to pay attention to intelligent driving logistics products, a variety of products on the market to carry out a comprehensive research, during this period, Zelos Tech visited Suzhou, Jiangsu, Anhui, Nanling and other regions, through exhaustive word-of-mouth research, field survey and evaluation, and ultimately, Zelos Tech intelligent car with practical and efficient, smooth operation of the excellent product performance and user reputation, so that Zelos Tech Finally, the Zelos Tech intelligent car with practical and efficient, smooth operation and excellent product performance and user reputation, so that Zhang Chun Gang, finally placed an order for a number of Zelos Tech intelligent car in the bag.


At present, in Zhang Chun Gang is responsible for the operation of the region, each Zelos Tech intelligent car can be completed every day 1200-1500 votes express transit task, serial service 6-8 city station, the vehicle from the outlets loaded with goods, each passing through the station in charge of only need to pick up the goods when the vehicle arrives with the code can be, both save manpower and save time. If encountered misdistribution pieces can also be taken away with the vehicle, for outlets to reduce the operating costs of manned delivery and the management costs of outlets.


Express logistics, connecting online and offline, the relationship between the tens of thousands of households, in the promotion of economic circulation, services to build a new pattern of development plays a strategic and fundamental role. With Zelos Tech intelligent car, even during the "Express Spring Festival", Mr. Zhang no longer need to "labor shortage" and nervous trouble!

This year, when the reunion time, there are Zelos Tech intelligent car for thousands of families of the "New Year's flavor" escort, with AI products linked up with the warmth of true love in the world!